Sunday, July 29, 2012

Imagine what it would be like if...

Imagine what it would be like if...

You could visit the dream visions with THE REAL GUIDES
Listen1! iam going to give you an excerpt from :THE SUPER KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR DREAMS,by:
Duane Heppner
Paul Twitchell
Rebazar Tarzs
The Real Universal Guides

This world contains only small amounts of RealKnowledge
about the reason for life here and how it applies to The
TruReality ITSELF. Life in ITS ALLTruness, really does make
sense, and so it only exists as a RealTruth that mankind with
his mind and emotions will never know his TruPotential as
long as he clings to The Dualistic Forces of this realm and The
Two Heavens and Gods he prays to. For the most part,
humans are a very dangerous breed, as they have proven this
as their own history reveals. After thousands of lifetimes, the
human race is right back where it started with the same
notions, ideals and attitudes as history has documented where
civilizations have self-destructed into the dust they were
formed from.
The Real Universal Guides stand in The Unseen Realities and
await those who show even the least amount of interest in
exploring past The Contrived Business Systems of The
Authoritarians and The Gods of Man. The Real Guides have
The Real Connection to The TruReality, The ALL IS, where
there is no duality and no reincarnation and karma, but only
The Real and Endless Universes of The SoundLight Reality,
as PurPerfection and Brilliance. Because humans humans
have been taught to look to their mind and emotions to resolve
their existence on earth, they have created a very insecure
and limited position for themselves, and at the same time have
given their lives to the will of forces they wish to be rid of. And
so a great contradiction has developed with all of the humans
and the various systems of knowledge they have created.
None of what the humans have formulated, invented and
erected exists in Reality, but only on this RoundWorld, which

floats in a sea of darkness among other worlds on fire that
provide the light in this realm. The earth is a reality all its own,
and resides in a particular position with ALL That IS. It is
understandable that most would consider this place to be all
there is to life, and that there is a heaven somewhere to be
found, but only after the death of the body, as The Belief
Systems would have all they influenced to believe.

My position is one of 'reporting the news,' and not inventing
something out of the dust, which The Belief System
Businesses have done very proficiently. And as such, my
position becomes The Great Adventure for all those who will
learn to perceive what their senses know nothing about. Each
one of us has to be shown The Steps into Reality, and taken
gently into The Bigger Reality, and this is where RealGuidance
comes into our lives. Because humans are mainly into their
minds and emotions as their source for survival, they very
seldom pay attention to their DreamVisions, unless there is a
reference of some kind to relate to, and even then the
understanding is usually directed to their physical life of
phenomena only. The Real Universal Guides provide The
Real Connection to The SoundLight Reality, which opens The
RealAwareness of the individual to where they begin to see
the 'writing on the wall,' so to speak. The existing teachings
such as spiritual paths, metaphysics, masters and gurus, to
name a few, are in The PsycRealms and mainly utilize The
Dualistic Forces of The Lords of Karma. The Real Universal
Guides are direct from The TruReality, and their purpose for
being here is to provide RealGuidance into The Real
Universes, which lie far beyond The PsycRealms and The
Gods of Man.

The Real Universal Guides, with The Real Connection to The
TruReality, The ALL IS, choose one person who has gone
through the most rigorous training to take on what has been
termed THE ROD OF POWER, which I now refer to as THE
NUWAVE. Very few will ever know what THE NUWAVE really
IS. When I took on The Real Position for the second time in
2007, a very special friend of mine told me her experience
from The RealSide with The Real Guides. She said she was
once again on a beautiful beach where the sand was of a
whitish golden color and the water was the most magnificent
turquoise blue. As she looked out over the glassy liquid and
the brilliant Sun in the sky, it spread its brilliant upon the water
providing billions of diamonds of light that seemed to dance
everywhere. Just then, Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell
appeared at her side, as Rebazar point to the distant horizon
and then said...
“Look Miss Kathy, THE NUMAN is here.”
What she suddenly saw was a huge wave forming from the
horizon and moving toward the shore she was standing on.
The wave continued to build until it was almost covering the
sky. Kathy could see a small figure on a surfboard riding the
gigantic wave straight towards her. The Giant Wave never
broke, but continued to roll towards the shore as it held up and
crested with a feathery appearance of the moving water near
the top.
Miss Kathy...”I stood and watched patiently as Rebazar and
Paul made comments about THE NUMAN and his
NUPresentation. Eventually, The Great Wave neared the
shore and then casually subsided as the rider rode his board
to the sandy shore and then jumped off. He walked up to me
and I could see that it was my friend Duane.”
“Then Duane came up to me and gave me a big hug and said,
”Hello Miss Kathy, I am finally ready to do what I came here to
THE NUWAVE is The ALLAliveness from The ALL IS, and in
this experience, The Giant Wave is a manifestation from The
IS, but not The IS ITSELF. It is not, and has nothing to do with
The Dualistic Forces of positive and negative, which are of the
spiritual nature of SpaceTime Realms. Those who are
connected to the various systems and considerations that
have plagued mankind since he first set foot on this planet are
those lights from the Astral Worlds and their LordGovernor
who rules over humanity, along with his brother The Lord God,
Kalaum of the Mental Worlds. There is a great distinction
between the appearance of Reality, and The TruReality
ITSELF. Because most humans have been seduced by The
DarkForces for millions of their lifetimes on this RoundWorld
and many others like it, a great misunderstanding has
occurred as each person carries their karmic burdens from
lifetime to lifetime unconsciously with them. At some point in a
person's experience here, they may have the good fortune to
meet up with The Real Universal Guides. When this
experience does occur, that person then has the choice to
explore the unknown or stay with what they have always
known. Life IS The Great Adventure. It is not a spiritual path
or teaching, a metaphysical study or a collection of soundgood
information from the space people or the Angels and
entities from the Astral Worlds. These things do have there
place for sure, but they are of the infancy of what humanshave always referred to, because they have never had Real
Experiences with The Real Connection and The Universal
Guides into The Real Universes.

Let me know if you like it.Thankyou

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