Wednesday, December 11, 2013


According to a 2010 US government survey,1 1 in 10 American children now has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—a 22 percent increase from 2003.
ADHD makes it hard for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior, and an increasing number of older children, including high school students, are now being labeled as having ADHD. Adult ADHD is also becoming more prevalent.
As reported by the Las Vegas Guardian Express,2 nearly 11 percent of American kids are labeled with the disorder. More than twice as many boys are diagnosed with ADHD than girls—one in five, compared to one in 11. The featured article speculates about the cause behind these rising numbers.
Some experts feel the increase could be due to increased awareness and better diagnosis, but I think you’ll find it interesting that this trend also coincides with increased prevalence of the pervasive weed killer, glyphosate, in the American food supply.
There’s also plenty of room for overdiagnosis. In fact, an ADHD diagnosis is often made on the subjective observations of teachers or guardians, based on signs that nearly every child will display at some point. Aggravating factors, such as diet or home environment, are oftentimes overlooked entirely.
The featured article actually points out some interesting correlations between ADHD diagnoses and changes to the American educational system that might help explain how, if not why, so many children are misdiagnosed or flat out falsely diagnosed.



More than 1,660,290 new cancer cases are projected to be diagnosed in the US this year, and an estimated 580,350 Americans will die from the disease.1Another 600,000 Americans die of heart disease each year.2 At present, heart disease is the leading cause of death among both sexes.
Despite massive technological advances over the past half-century, Western medicine is still at a loss for how to rein in the prevalence of these top two killers.
It’s become increasingly clear that many of the conventional strategies, from diagnosis to treatment, are riddled with flawed assumptions and approaches that, in many cases, do more harm than good.
What’s worse, virtually none of the conventional strategies actually address the root cause of the problem, a flawed diet high in sugars and processed foods.
In fact, conventional dietary recommendations for the prevention of heart diseaseare diametrically opposed to what you actually need for optimal heart health! For over 60 years, saturated fats have been blamed for heart disease, resulting in the promulgation of a dangerous low-fat, high-sugar diet.
In reality, a diet that promotes health is high in healthful fats and very, very low in sugar and non-vegetable carbohydrates... Research coming out of some of America’s most respected institutions now confirms that sugar is a primary dietary factor driving chronic disease development.
Sugar, and fructose in particular, has been implicated as a culprit in the development of both heart disease and cancer, and having this information putsyou in the driver’s seat when it comes to prevention.

How Much Sugar Is in Your Diet?

Ever since I started this Web site back in 1997, I’ve been warning about the dangers of high sugar consumption. It’s important to realize that even if you don’tadd sugar to your foods, hidden sugar, typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is in virtually all processed foods, from yogurts and sauces to breads and sodas.
Many favorite staples are also grain-based, such as bagels, pancakes, and breakfast cereals. All those grains are also quickly turned into sugar in your body, adding to your sugar burden.
Clinical trials have shown that those who consume HFCS tend to develop higher risk factors for cardiovascular disease within as little as two weeks, so if I had to pick out the worst culprit among sugars, it would be fructose.
Other studies indicate that if you limit your sugar, no matter what form you get it in, you effectively decrease your chances of developing cancer—including breast and colon cancers.

Soda Drinkers Have Increased Cancer Risk

According to recent research,3, 4 older women who drink a lot of soda or other sugary beverages may be at significantly increased risk for endometrial cancer—an estrogen-dependent type of cancer that affects the lining of a woman’s uterus.
The study included data for more than 23,000 postmenopausal women who were followed for 14 years.
Women who had the highest intake of sugary beverages had a whopping 78 percent higher risk for endometrial cancer, and the risk appeared to be dose dependent; rising right along with consumption. Study author Maki Inoue-Choi was not surprised by the results, and neither am I.
“Other studies have shown increasing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has paralleled the increase in obesity. Obese women tend to have higher levels of estrogens and insulin than women of normal weight, [and] increased levels of estrogens and insulin are established risk factors for endometrial cancer,” she said.5
Previous research has also shown that dietary fructose can promote cancergrowth in a number of different ways, including:
  • Altered cellular metabolism
  • Increased reactive oxygen species (free radicals)
  • DNA damage
  • Inflammation

Fructose Promotes Cancer Cell Proliferation

Studies have shown that different sugars are metabolized using different metabolic pathways, and this is of MAJOR consequence when it comes to feeding cancer and making it proliferate. Three years ago, researchers published findings showing that fructose is readily used by cancer cells to increase their proliferation.6 Cancer cells did not respond to glucose in the same manner.
In this case, the cancer cells used were pancreatic cancer, which is typically regarded as the most deadly and universally rapid-killing form of cancer. According to the authors:
“Traditionally, glucose and fructose have been considered as interchangeable monosaccharide substrates that are similarly metabolized, and little attention has been given to sugars other than glucose. However, fructose intake has increased dramatically in recent decades and cellular uptake of glucose and fructose uses distinct transporters.
Here, we report that fructose provides an alternative substrate to induce pancreatic cancer cell proliferation. Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different; in comparison with glucose, fructose... is preferentially metabolized via the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway to synthesize nucleic acids and increase uric acid production.
These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation. They have major significance for cancer patients given dietary refined fructose consumption, and indicate that efforts to reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose-mediated actions may disrupt cancer growth.” [Emphasis mine]
The study confirms the old adage that sugar feeds cancer because they found that tumor cells do thrive on sugar (glucose). However, the cells used fructose for cell division, speeding up the growth and spread of the cancer. This difference is clearly of major consequence, and should be carefully considered by anyone who is currently undergoing cancer treatment or seeking to prevent cancer.

This does not mean you should avoid fruits, the benefits of most fruits outweigh any concerns to fructose.   I would suggest to not juice your fruits and to eat them whole, and also realize we have bred many of these fruits to a very high level of fructose.   Fruits today are many times sweeter than they were historically, and should be consumed in moderation.

The real problem is the high fructose corn syrup that is added to practically every processed food and drink you see.

Remember: Exercise Is Another Potent Ally Against Cancer and Heart Disease

Controlling your blood-glucose and insulin levels—through diet, along with a comprehensive exercise program—can be one of the most crucial components to a cancer recovery program. These factors are also crucial in order to prevent cancer in the first place. Diet and exercise—particularly high intensity interval training—are also the dynamic duo that will help you stave off heart disease.
In fact, a recent meta-analysis that reviewed 305 randomized controlled trials found no statistically detectable differences between exercise and medications for heart disease, including statins and beta blockers. (Previous research has also shown that exercise alone can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by a factor of three,7 which isn’t too shabby.) Exercise is in fact so potent, the researchers suggested that drug companies ought to be required to include it for comparison when conducting clinical trials for new drugs. As reported by Bloomberg:8
“The analysis adds to evidence showing the benefit of non-medical approaches to disease through behavior and lifestyle changes... ‘In cases where drug options provide only modest benefit, patients deserve to understand the relative impact that physical activity might have on their condition,’ Naci and Ioannidis said in the published paper. In the meantime, 'exercise interventions should therefore be considered as a viable alternative to, or, alongside, drug therapy.'”
In a nutshell, being a healthy weight and exercising regularly creates a healthy feedback loop that optimizes and helps maintain insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity. And, as I’ve mentioned before, insulin and leptin resistance—primarily driven by excessive consumption of refined sugar and grains along with lack of exercise—are the underlying factors of nearly all chronic disease.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monsanto leading super-secret 'above Congress' Obama trade scheme to outlaw GMO labeling worldwide

GMO labeling to be illegal, generic drugs to be all but shut down

The countries currently involved in the TPP include the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. More are being bullied into signing the agreement with each passing month. Although the exact language of the TPP is a tightly-protected secret, it is reported that the TPP will require:

• Dropping of all bans on GMOs. All countries signing the TPP must allow GMOs to be grown in their country and secretly used throughout the food supply -- all GMO labeling will be outlawed.

• Shutting down all generic drug manufacturers who make "copycat" drugs that compete with the monopoly patents of top U.S. drug makers.

Learn more:

IF you want to ead the whole story go  HERE

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Aren't you getting tired of hearing about ufos,and how they have helped mankind?Well,look what they have done with the mayas!They practiced human sacrifice!In a well at chichen-itza,there is a well with thousands of bodies.this had happened with cultures all around this world,and different historic periods.

they tried controlling human population..Everywhere you find ancient ruins,you find desolation,that exists there now.The aliens do not mean us any good.They have interfered with our religions around the world,influencing our beliefs in the space gods,whom never really helped us,just control you.Today we are influenced by the drug companies and media.Nearly every 5 minutes,there is a commercial for some drug,or come to our hospital for cancer reatments.

IF YOU WATCH,OR LISTEN TO THESE COMMERCIALS,YOU OPEN YOURSELF TO THESE AILMENTS.look around you,everything you see around you,is a creation of your thoughts,feelings and fear.Take control of your life and find out what is going around you,by singing the N-U-U-U- sessions
for tEN or fifteen minutes.DUANE,THE NUMAN says you will get results,guaranteed!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Truth About Sugar

This is it folks...a true groundswell to the next health revolution. And now we can all help fuel the fire. You must watch this video and share it with everyone you know. It's time for everyone across America to hear the truth about sugar. 

I can't wait to hear all the responses and excuses from Coca-Cola as word spreads. Of course, to be fair, it's not just Coca-Cola but the entire soft drink industry that's being targeted 

. And now we can all help fuel the fire. You must watch this video and share it with everyone you know. It's time for everyone across America to hear the truth about sugar. 

I can't wait to hear all the responses and excuses from Coca-Cola as word spreads. Of course, to be fair, it's not just Coca-Cola but the entire soft drink industry that's being targeted 

And this couldn't have come too soon as this is one of the next major legal battlegrounds. New York City has banned the sale of greater than 16 ounce sugary drinks and I am sure other cities and states will follow. Yet, the industry is not going to go down without a fight. 

I honestly think it just makes them look as stupid as the tobacco industry once looked. Although, there is much more scientific evidence in this than at the beginning of the tobacco witch hunt. 

But let's get back to the video because like any good advertising, it amplifies the effects. In case you can't view it for some reason, the video depicts the negative health effects that come from drinking too much soda. From erectile dysfunction to diabetes and eventually amputation...Papa bear becomes so unhealthy and unhappy that the entire family joins together in pouring their soda into the sea. 

According to the creator of the video, "You know the American diet has gone the wrong way when it's considered normal to drink massive amounts of liquid candy," Bogusky says. "This is a cultural wake-up call." 

But wouldn't you know it, executives at Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association have gone on the defensive and claim the statistics the video features are wrong. (Despite the reputable sources that are cited in the video!) 

"This is irresponsible and grandstanding and will not help anyone understand energy balance," says Coca-Cola spokeswoman Susan Stribling. 

What?!? Trust me, the sale of soft drinks has nothing to do with "energy balance!" And who cares about "energy balance" anyway? 

Are they serious? There are absolutely no health benefits from sugary drinks. Only potentially deadly effects...effects I see every day in my practice. 

We've got Mothers Against Drunk Driving--what about Mothers Against Sugar Addiction? 

"There's a war going on between soft-drink companies and health advocates," says Michael Jacobson, executive director of CSPI. "This is our attempt to reposition soft drinks from a source of happiness to a major cause of disease." 

I couldn't agree more. 

The deadly effects of sugar from all sources--not just soft drinks and fruit juice--are ballooning out of control. 

Take a look at this photo I came across.

Fattest 1903
The first picture is of the fattest man in the world in 1903. He looks like my neighbor and everyone I see on the subway today. This should sound all the alarms in your head. 

When did America start looking like the police officer in the picture on the right. And when did it become okay? 

According to a new report released by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the obesity crisis in the U.S. shows no sign of slowing. The report projects that by 2030, nearly HALF of the U.S. population will be officially obese! 

When will it end?!? 

It's time we take the sugar industry down, just as we have the tobacco companies. It's time for some REAL TRUTH in sugar advertising. For all of America to hear the facts. 

So please, spread the word. Share this groundbreaking video. Since you know major news outlets won't show it for fear of losing their advertisers. 

And stick with me. I'll continue to share the true facts on sugar and what you can do to help reverse the effects every day in my Reality Health Check. If you don't already get it regularly, you can join us in the revolution today and sign up for free now. And you can easily remove yourself at any time, I hate spam. 

Thanks again to the folks at Center for Science in the Public Interest for investing in our cause with this eye-opening video. 

Here's to spreading the truth about diet and health, 

Dr. Fred Pescatore

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Vaccine Smoking Gun

The Vaccine Smoking Gun!

Cyber Security Costs Money. Your donation is essential!
Shocking Stealth Attack:
Dr. Rima Truth Reports Listed As "SPAM"
Read the Story Here:
Tell Decision Makers You Reject Mandatory Vaccines!
The Vaccine Smoking Gun!
"They" Want you Sick, Infertile and Dead.
You MUST read this article. In it, we present the first hand testimony of a proud International
Monetary Fund former employee that vaccines are a depopulation strategy used to control the
population. So an insider admits that what I have learned during my 40+ years in medical
practice, that vaccines damage and destroy health, reproduction and life, makes them an ideal tool
for depopulation.
Once in a while someone leaves the halls of power and tells the truth. Sometimes the code of
silence is broken.
This has happened in a remarkable way. A "bean counter" in the World Bank, a demographer who
follows the numbers... and who tells the truth without the usual Aesopian language of bureaucratic
obscuration. He is a depopulationist and proud of it. I am a vaccine refuser and proud of that!
Click here to view my video statement on my position as a proud vaccine refuser:
Note well this inconvenient, but indisputable truth: despite the fervor of their often-rabid
supporters, both paid and simple, good-hearted dupes, vaccines are a primary factors in
damaging your health and shortening your future because they play a huge part in developing
"Genome Disruption Syndrome" or GDS. Vaccine damage is inevitable: the question is just how,
and how fast it shows up. Autism? Cancer? Premature Aging? Diabetes? Leukemia? MS? ALS?
Chronic Fatigue? Alzheimers Disease? Or, as intended by Bill Gates, WHO, the IMF and other
genocidalists, unborn millions through stealth sterility and infertility

Vaccines literally drain the life out of you and cause you to die younger and to have a much lower
quality of life (and higher economic unit value to Big Pharma) during the years you have left, post
vaccination. In the beginning of my career I believed that vaccines were just bad medicine, based
on a bad scientific model. I thought the foreseeable harms of vaccination were just a by-product of
an illness industry with enormous power and no conscience. Frankly, it never occurred to me that
they were an intentional tool for causing harm, no, health disaster and depopulation.
It turns out, however, there is something much more sinister behind vaccines and the propensity of
politicians to want to force you and your children to take these toxic shots.
Here is the source article:
October 2, 2012: ...a retired demographer at the World Bank admitted that vaccination campaigns
are an integral part of the World Banks population policies. John F. May, the Banks leading
demographer from 1992 to 2012, told the French web journal Sens Public (and in turn transcribed
by the think-tank May works for) that vaccination campaigns, especially in so-called high-fertility
countries, are means to achieve population reduction in those countries. May:
The means used to implement population policies are policy levers or targeted actions such as
vaccination campaigns or family planning to change certain key variables.
The genocidal agenda General Bert and I have identified
has not often been stated as baldly!
Have you and your family already been targeted for extinction. Now, there are those who will
accuse me of being an alarmist. After all, they say, How could "they" want us dead? But I know,
from the evidence that General Bert and I have examined, and from the matter-of-fact confession I
heard in 2002 from a head of state I was treating at the time, that this is precisely the case.
One day she casually said, "It is almost time for the Great Culling to begin." She explained that
ninety percent (90%) of humanity is targeted for an early death. This, of course, after lots and lots
of highly profitable-for-Big-Pharma-inoculated-illnesses.
Now we know the mechanism planned to cut off your genetic line. Vaccines will make you infertile,
or at least so much less fertile that the human population will crash. So you see, Genome
Disruption is not just what happens to you when you are subjected to GMOs novel proteins,
ionizing radiation from Fukushima, toxic metals from Chemtrails and similar sources, vaccine,
drug and industrial toxins. It is what happens to your genetic line if the Genocidal Globalist Elite
get their way.
The first step to counter this insanity is to stop all vaccines, forced and voluntary. ALL. We must
vigorously defend all exemptions from vaccines against the newly vigorous attack they are under,
State by State. The Natural Solutions Foundation has established two "Action Items" for you to
help us educate decision makers by telling them what you think. Click on each of the links below.
Use them, LIKE them, forward them by email, twitter, facebook reach out to every single person
you can and urge their similar participation.
Take these Action Items every day for every member of your family; your representatives keep

track of "trending issues." Share these links with everyone in each of your circles of influence. We
must inundate the powerful with our voices.
Should we choose not to succeed,
you and your children will, indeed,
perish from this earth.
Now, how is the vaccine catastrophy connected to the bitter financial pill that has been fiscally,
rather than genetically, engineered for us? What will happen on the last day of December, 2012?
It is very simple: : if you haven't made and executed an expatriation plan for your assets, you will
not be able to do so without facing potential penalties so large as to render that option null and
One of my mentors, Joel Bauer, teaches that when people have enough money rolling in, the
result is freedom rolling out. While it does not always work that way, it is true that if your financial
assets are wiped out in a time of tyranny and hyperinflation, your quality of life and your ability to
secure your requirements and those of your children may suffer significantly. You see, especially
in a tyrannical time, with little or no deep respect for the rule of law, that extra asset base can
mean the difference between helplessness and the ability to help yourself and your loved ones.
We are facing an unprecedented "Financial Cliff" on January 1, 2012.
Whether you will be able to expatriate your funds legally after that date without paying a 30%
excise tax remains to be seen. In fact, whether you can expatriate (i.e., protect by legally moving
them offshore) your assets after that date remains to be seen, too.
As you know, the Natural Solutions Foundation is not content to identify problem. We solve them.
And we do that on the personal level (for example, on our website, we
tell you how to secure the finest universal antibiotic, Silver Sol, the powerful DNA-repair nutrients
resveratrol and the radiation-quenching mineral boron).
But we also look beyond the personal solutions you need to stay healthy and the information and
Action items you need to stay informed and free .
Below youll find a list of the current messages you can easily send to decision makers. These
messages are simple to use and the work! Just personalize each one with your thoughts since
they are far more impactful that way.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation understands that the problems exist at several
scales: the genetic, the personal, the environmental, the economic and the global. To solve the
larger problems we look to larger solutions that will literally stand the Globalist Genocidal Agenda
on its head while helping investors make a profit and protect their assets. We're not financial
advisers, but if you want to expatriate assets while making them work for you AND for a brighter,
equitable tomorrow, we have created the Fund for Natural Solutions which lets you do just that.
Let's fact it: protecting your assets means getting them out of the US. Right Now. Safely.
Legitimately. Before we are all pushed over that January Cliff.
How? Through our highly innovative and solidly conceived Fund for Natural Solutions.
That Fund, filed with the SEC, allows me to do what I love, absolutely adore, doing: assisting you.
And derailing the Globalist Agenda at the same time. Through the Fund our goal is to protect
those assets by bringing your values and your assets together for good, and for a good profit!
Write to me directly at with "Private Placement
Memorandum" as the subject line and I will ask our Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, to send you the
information you need to move forward if protecting your assets before it is too late.
Every financial pundit I know of says we are heading toward a massive financial cliff. We don't
want to see our supporters wiped out. And, according to all predictions we know of, if people like

you with families like yours do not take decisive action now to protect their conventional assets as
well as their IRA's, 401s, conventional and other assets, they will be, quite literally, wiped out
financially in the coming, fiscally engineered crisis.
Email me so I can help protect your financial freedom with as much vigor as we protect your health
Yours in health and freedom,
Doctor Rima
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Medical Director
==== ====
The Vaccine Smoking Gun!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

By Dr. Mercola

By Dr. Mercola

The Canadian press recently broke the story that new research confirms initial findings that the flu vaccine appeared to actually increase people's risk of getting sick with H1N1, and cause more serious bouts of illness to boot.

According to the Vancouver Sun:1

"Researchers, led by Vancouver's Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the [2009 H1N1] pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn't received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same unsettling results."

New Study Confirms: Flu Vaccine Really Does Increase Your Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

In March last year, ABC News reported:2

"There is renewed controversy surrounding influenza vaccines, with some studies showing people immunised against the seasonal flu might have been at greater risk during the swine flu outbreak...

'What was a bit surprising when we looked at some of the data from Canada and Hong Kong in the last year is that people who have been vaccinated in 2008 with the seasonal or ordinary vaccine seemed to have twice the risk of getting swine flu compared to the people who hadn't received that vaccine,' [Professor Collignon from the Australian National University] said.

ANU microbiologists say it is the opposite of what vaccines should do.

Professor Collignon says the findings of the study also highlight the benefits for healthy people who are exposed to some illnesses. 'Some interesting data has become available which suggests that if you get immunised with the seasonal vaccine, you get less broad protection than if you get a natural infection,' he said.

'It is particularly relevant for children because it is a condition they call original antigenic sin, which basically means if you get infected with a natural virus, that gives you not only protection against that virus but similar viruses or even in fact quite different flu viruses in the next year.'

'We may be perversely setting ourselves up that if something really new and nasty comes along, that people who have been vaccinated may in fact be more susceptible compared to getting this natural infection.'" [Emphasis mine]

Truer words are hard to find in mainstream media. This is, after all, the fundamental basics of immunity against disease. Vaccine-induced immunity to disease is trying to mimic this natural mechanism, but failing miserably in doing so...

Case in point: research published in the Journal of Virology3 in November of last year also confirmed that the seasonal flu vaccine may actually weaken children's immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine. Further, when blood samples from 27 healthy, unvaccinated children and 14 children who had received an annual flu shot were compared, the former unvaccinated group naturally built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains compared to the latter vaccinated group – which is exactly what Professor Collignon referred to in the quote above.

While the initial reports of increased pandemic disease risk associated with flu vaccination were downplayed and widely dismissed as some odd Canadian phenomenon, a new study suggests this was no fluke. According to the featured article:4

"Skowronski and a group of researchers have recreated the event in ferrets. Their findings were presented... at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a major international infectious diseases conference taking place in San Francisco. Skowronski... worked with 32 ferrets, giving half the 2008 seasonal flu shot and the rest a placebo injection. The work was blinded, meaning the researchers didn't know which ferrets received which shot. Later, all the ferrets were infected with the pandemic H1N1 virus.

The ferrets in the vaccine group became significantly sicker than the other animals, though all recovered. 'The findings are consistent with the increased risk that we saw in the human studies,' Skowronski said." [Emphasis mine]

Proof Positive – Vaccine Industry Really Does Not Know What it's Doing...

According to the Canadian MetroNews5, researchers in other countries have also reported similar interactions between the 2008-09 flu vaccine and increased risk for more serious H1N1 illness. Remarkably, even though no one understands the reasons for this paradoxical effect, Dr. Skowronski "insisted the findings should not deter people from getting seasonal flu shots."6

"Two theories exist about what might have been behind the effect, said Skowronski, who favors the first. That theory relates to the fact that the 2008 vaccine protected against an H1N1 virus that was related to – but not similar enough to – the pandemic virus to generate antibodies that would neutralize it. The thinking is that might actually have facilitated infection with the pandemic virus," MetroNews reports.7

"Skowronski likened the mechanism to what happens with dengue viruses. People who have been infected with one subtype of dengue don't develop immunity to the other three. In fact, they are more at risk of developing a life-threatening form of dengue if they are infected with one of the other strains.

Skowronski called the second theory the infection block hypothesis. Having a bout of the flu gives the infected person antibodies that may be able, for a time, to fend off other strains; flu shots only protect against the strains they contain. So under this theory, people who didn't have flu in 2008 because they got a flu shot may have been less well armed against the pandemic virus."

It's important to realize that these are only theories, and researchers still don't know if either of them is correct. However, IF the first theory is correct, then this troubling effect is believed to be limited to pandemics in which the pandemic virus is related to a human flu virus in circulation. According to this theory, a virus with a hemagglutinin protein that humans haven't been previously exposed to would probably not trigger increased infection risk. However, as stated by Dr. Skowronski:8

"My own opinion, my own feeling would be that if you have a completely different hemagglutinin like H5 or H7... you may not see that... But who knows, frankly? The wise man knows he knows nothing when it comes to influenza, so you always have to be cautious in speculating."

That statement about sums up what the CDC and vaccine industry really know about what they are doing! Yet you're expected to just take their word, again and again, that vaccines are safe and the most effective form of disease prevention...

Flu Shots for All (Science Optional)

For the past several years, physicians in America have been insisting that every child age 6 months to 18 years must get an annual flu shot. Making matters worse, health officials have now ramped up those recommendations, telling EVERY person over the age of 6 months get a flu shot, healthy or not, low risk or high.

With all of those vaccinations, will you become more susceptible to influenza-related complications and death?

We really don't know, but if the interaction between the 2008-09 flu vaccine and H1N1 is any indication, the answer is likely to be yes. Health officials have leapt ahead with recommendations of "flu shots for all" without safety studies – so by getting a flu vaccine, you are effectively offering yourself up as a laboratory rat. In other words, YOU are the safety study!

To get a preview of the potential risks you take every time you accept a seasonal flu vaccine, listen to the following interview with a Connecticut artist and her mother, a former professor of nursing, who developed Guillaine-Barre syndrome after getting a seasonal flu shot in 2008 and today is permanently disabled with total body paralysis. This family has chosen to share their heartbreaking story to help those who have had the same experience feel less alone, and to educate others about what it means to be vaccine injured. What happened to this family is a tragic reminder of just how important it is to make well-informed decisions about vaccinations.

ll Vaccines Compromise Natural Immunity

The more vaccines are studied, the more apparent it becomes that safety studies are sorely lacking, as vaccine expert and pediatrician Larry Palevsky explains. For example, those that have been done compare vaccinated populations only to other vaccinated populations, and only follow vaccinated kids for 4-6 weeks.

As mentioned earlier, there are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity – and science does confirm this. Those who disagree are simply ignoring the evidence and perpetuating ignorance. Unfortunately, while obtaining natural immunity has far greater benefits, this fact seems to be completely overlooked in the United States, considering it's recommended that U.S. babies receive 26 doses of vaccines within the first 12 months of life (which, incidentally, is twice as many vaccinations as are given to babies in Sweden and Japan).

When children are born, they develop natural immunity to a large variety of microorganisms that they breathe, eat, and touch. The immune responses initiated by cells lining their airways, skin and intestines are very important in creating "memory" and protection against the microorganisms they naturally come into contact with every day. That primary line of defense is a very important step in the maturation of your child's immune system – and it's bypassed when he/she gets a vaccine.

With vaccination, you are merely creating an antibody, but as the Journal of Virology study9 showed, the unvaccinated children actually built up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than the vaccinated children!

Vaccines usually do not impart long-term immunity because they don't create the kind of memory that occurs when you go through the process of a natural immune response. Natural exposure does not necessarily lead to symptoms of infection – it is possible for your immune system to respond and for you to obtain natural immunity without actually getting sick, if your immune system is functioning well. In fact, vaccines do NOT strengthen the healthy functioning of your immune system, but actually weaken it. Here are just some of the ways vaccines can impair and alter your immune response:

Some components in vaccines are neurotoxic and may depress your immune response or cause brain and immune dysfunction, particularly heavy metals such as mercury preservatives (thimerosal) and aluminum adjuvants
The lab altered vaccine viruses themselves may also affect your immune response in a negative way
Vaccines may alter your t-cell function and lead you to become chronically ill
Vaccines can trigger allergies or autoimmune disorders. Vaccines introduce large foreign protein molecules into your body. Your body can respond to these foreign particles in a way that causes an allergic reaction or triggers autoimmunty, especially in persons genetically or biologically vulnerable to allergy and autoimmunity
Getting a flu shot can affect your cardiovascular system because vaccination stimulates an acute inflammatory response in your body, which also could become chronic. One 2007 study published in the Annals of Medicine10 concluded that:

"Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation may persist for at least two weeks after a slight inflammatory reaction induced by influenza vaccination. These could explain in part the earlier reported increase in cardiovascular risk during the first weeks after an acute inflammatory disorder."

What You Need to Know about Informed Consent

Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination because no one can predict whether you or your child will suffer a devastating vaccine reaction. Furthermore, doctors have been notoriously lax when it comes to providing patients with full disclosure of potential serious vaccine side effects.

All Americans should know that if your doctor does not provide the CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet, or directly discuss the potential symptoms of side effects of the vaccination you or your child is about to receive BEFORE vaccination takes place, it is a violation of federal law. Remember, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires doctors and other vaccine providers to:

Give written vaccine benefit and risk information to the person or guardian of the person before vaccination takes place (and, ethically, a doctor should be willing to discuss and answer all questions the patient or parent has about vaccination)
Keep a permanent record of all vaccines given and the manufacturer's name and lot number
Enter serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination in the patient's permanent medical record
File an official report of all serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
If a vaccine provider fails to inform, record or report, it is a violation of federal law, and I would encourage anyone who is injured from a vaccine, who did not receive the proper warnings, to use the legal system to hold the physician responsible. For more information about the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and your rights under that law, go to the website of the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) at, where you also can find referenced information on diseases and vaccines to help you make well educated vaccine choices. You can also sign up to be a user of the NVIC Advocacy Portal ( to work to protect the legal right to make vaccine choices in your state.

How to Protect Yourself Against Influenza

So the question is, why do we continue doing something that has been proven ineffective and risky? As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This certainly could be said to apply to the practice of getting a flu shot every year and expecting to be protected against the flu without taking a health risk.

While the media is sure to continue hyping potential pandemic influenzas, remember that a healthy immune system is your best and primary defense against any viral threat. The following simple guidelines will help you keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you're far less likely to acquire influenza or other respiratory infections to begin with or, if you do, your immune system will deal with it without complications:

Optimize your vitamin D levels. As I've previously reported, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. I would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round.
An inexpensive option to get your vitamin D levels checked on a regular basis is to join the GrassrootsHealth D*action Project.

Avoid Sugar, Fructose and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice.
Get Enough Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you're tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article Guide to a Good Night's Sleep for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
Have Effective Tools to Address Stress. We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.
Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads.
Take a Good Source of High Quality Animal-Based Omega-3 Fats. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Remember that antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary and cause more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to.
Use Natural Antibiotics. Examples include oil of oregano and garlic. These work like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in your body. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they do not appear to lead to resistance.
Avoid Hospitals. I'd recommend avoiding hospitals unless you're having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to any new bug. Also keep in mind that virtually all vaccinations have the potential to reduce the effective functioning of your immune system, NOT make it stronger!