Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Vaccine Smoking Gun

The Vaccine Smoking Gun!

Cyber Security Costs Money. Your donation is essential!
Shocking Stealth Attack:
Dr. Rima Truth Reports Listed As "SPAM"
Read the Story Here:
Tell Decision Makers You Reject Mandatory Vaccines!
The Vaccine Smoking Gun!
"They" Want you Sick, Infertile and Dead.
You MUST read this article. In it, we present the first hand testimony of a proud International
Monetary Fund former employee that vaccines are a depopulation strategy used to control the
population. So an insider admits that what I have learned during my 40+ years in medical
practice, that vaccines damage and destroy health, reproduction and life, makes them an ideal tool
for depopulation.
Once in a while someone leaves the halls of power and tells the truth. Sometimes the code of
silence is broken.
This has happened in a remarkable way. A "bean counter" in the World Bank, a demographer who
follows the numbers... and who tells the truth without the usual Aesopian language of bureaucratic
obscuration. He is a depopulationist and proud of it. I am a vaccine refuser and proud of that!
Click here to view my video statement on my position as a proud vaccine refuser:
Note well this inconvenient, but indisputable truth: despite the fervor of their often-rabid
supporters, both paid and simple, good-hearted dupes, vaccines are a primary factors in
damaging your health and shortening your future because they play a huge part in developing
"Genome Disruption Syndrome" or GDS. Vaccine damage is inevitable: the question is just how,
and how fast it shows up. Autism? Cancer? Premature Aging? Diabetes? Leukemia? MS? ALS?
Chronic Fatigue? Alzheimers Disease? Or, as intended by Bill Gates, WHO, the IMF and other
genocidalists, unborn millions through stealth sterility and infertility

Vaccines literally drain the life out of you and cause you to die younger and to have a much lower
quality of life (and higher economic unit value to Big Pharma) during the years you have left, post
vaccination. In the beginning of my career I believed that vaccines were just bad medicine, based
on a bad scientific model. I thought the foreseeable harms of vaccination were just a by-product of
an illness industry with enormous power and no conscience. Frankly, it never occurred to me that
they were an intentional tool for causing harm, no, health disaster and depopulation.
It turns out, however, there is something much more sinister behind vaccines and the propensity of
politicians to want to force you and your children to take these toxic shots.
Here is the source article:
October 2, 2012: ...a retired demographer at the World Bank admitted that vaccination campaigns
are an integral part of the World Banks population policies. John F. May, the Banks leading
demographer from 1992 to 2012, told the French web journal Sens Public (and in turn transcribed
by the think-tank May works for) that vaccination campaigns, especially in so-called high-fertility
countries, are means to achieve population reduction in those countries. May:
The means used to implement population policies are policy levers or targeted actions such as
vaccination campaigns or family planning to change certain key variables.
The genocidal agenda General Bert and I have identified
has not often been stated as baldly!
Have you and your family already been targeted for extinction. Now, there are those who will
accuse me of being an alarmist. After all, they say, How could "they" want us dead? But I know,
from the evidence that General Bert and I have examined, and from the matter-of-fact confession I
heard in 2002 from a head of state I was treating at the time, that this is precisely the case.
One day she casually said, "It is almost time for the Great Culling to begin." She explained that
ninety percent (90%) of humanity is targeted for an early death. This, of course, after lots and lots
of highly profitable-for-Big-Pharma-inoculated-illnesses.
Now we know the mechanism planned to cut off your genetic line. Vaccines will make you infertile,
or at least so much less fertile that the human population will crash. So you see, Genome
Disruption is not just what happens to you when you are subjected to GMOs novel proteins,
ionizing radiation from Fukushima, toxic metals from Chemtrails and similar sources, vaccine,
drug and industrial toxins. It is what happens to your genetic line if the Genocidal Globalist Elite
get their way.
The first step to counter this insanity is to stop all vaccines, forced and voluntary. ALL. We must
vigorously defend all exemptions from vaccines against the newly vigorous attack they are under,
State by State. The Natural Solutions Foundation has established two "Action Items" for you to
help us educate decision makers by telling them what you think. Click on each of the links below.
Use them, LIKE them, forward them by email, twitter, facebook reach out to every single person
you can and urge their similar participation.
Take these Action Items every day for every member of your family; your representatives keep

track of "trending issues." Share these links with everyone in each of your circles of influence. We
must inundate the powerful with our voices.
Should we choose not to succeed,
you and your children will, indeed,
perish from this earth.
Now, how is the vaccine catastrophy connected to the bitter financial pill that has been fiscally,
rather than genetically, engineered for us? What will happen on the last day of December, 2012?
It is very simple: : if you haven't made and executed an expatriation plan for your assets, you will
not be able to do so without facing potential penalties so large as to render that option null and
One of my mentors, Joel Bauer, teaches that when people have enough money rolling in, the
result is freedom rolling out. While it does not always work that way, it is true that if your financial
assets are wiped out in a time of tyranny and hyperinflation, your quality of life and your ability to
secure your requirements and those of your children may suffer significantly. You see, especially
in a tyrannical time, with little or no deep respect for the rule of law, that extra asset base can
mean the difference between helplessness and the ability to help yourself and your loved ones.
We are facing an unprecedented "Financial Cliff" on January 1, 2012.
Whether you will be able to expatriate your funds legally after that date without paying a 30%
excise tax remains to be seen. In fact, whether you can expatriate (i.e., protect by legally moving
them offshore) your assets after that date remains to be seen, too.
As you know, the Natural Solutions Foundation is not content to identify problem. We solve them.
And we do that on the personal level (for example, on our website, we
tell you how to secure the finest universal antibiotic, Silver Sol, the powerful DNA-repair nutrients
resveratrol and the radiation-quenching mineral boron).
But we also look beyond the personal solutions you need to stay healthy and the information and
Action items you need to stay informed and free .
Below youll find a list of the current messages you can easily send to decision makers. These
messages are simple to use and the work! Just personalize each one with your thoughts since
they are far more impactful that way.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation understands that the problems exist at several
scales: the genetic, the personal, the environmental, the economic and the global. To solve the
larger problems we look to larger solutions that will literally stand the Globalist Genocidal Agenda
on its head while helping investors make a profit and protect their assets. We're not financial
advisers, but if you want to expatriate assets while making them work for you AND for a brighter,
equitable tomorrow, we have created the Fund for Natural Solutions which lets you do just that.
Let's fact it: protecting your assets means getting them out of the US. Right Now. Safely.
Legitimately. Before we are all pushed over that January Cliff.
How? Through our highly innovative and solidly conceived Fund for Natural Solutions.
That Fund, filed with the SEC, allows me to do what I love, absolutely adore, doing: assisting you.
And derailing the Globalist Agenda at the same time. Through the Fund our goal is to protect
those assets by bringing your values and your assets together for good, and for a good profit!
Write to me directly at with "Private Placement
Memorandum" as the subject line and I will ask our Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, to send you the
information you need to move forward if protecting your assets before it is too late.
Every financial pundit I know of says we are heading toward a massive financial cliff. We don't
want to see our supporters wiped out. And, according to all predictions we know of, if people like

you with families like yours do not take decisive action now to protect their conventional assets as
well as their IRA's, 401s, conventional and other assets, they will be, quite literally, wiped out
financially in the coming, fiscally engineered crisis.
Email me so I can help protect your financial freedom with as much vigor as we protect your health
Yours in health and freedom,
Doctor Rima
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Medical Director
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The Vaccine Smoking Gun!

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