Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Have you watched ancient aliens?they say that ufos come from other planets....What if they are coming from the inner earth?Take the indian mancripts,they had flying machines,they had nuclear wars,as they state from findings from ancient aliens.what if the people from the manuscripts went underground to live,to avoid nuclear fallout?Many scientists think aliens built the ancient monuments.what if we were the builders in the ancient past?Maybe we forgot what we knew.maybe we fell from grace.the same reason our life spans were shorttened,so we cannot continue ruining our lives.

according to SOURCEFIELD,BY DAVID WILCOCK,the tibetan monks knew how to move very large stones by making a loud sound by using musical instruments and chanting the pages293 to296.

Iam tired of hearing people say that aliens did this or that.why should we continue give our power away to aliens,or some mayans that lived centuries ago.Have you read life and teachings of the masters of the far east by baird spalding?he documented amazing things by people who dedicated their lives to god and perfection.Baird Spalding tells of ancient cataclysms,caused by people who fell from grace,by not maintaing their not let other people take your power away from you,by ruling your imagination,and crediting aliens, with accomplishments made thousands of years ago.Maybe the so-called gods came from one of the lower heaven,to mingle and lord over us.

george hunt williams tells about an ancient race whom came to earth,and soon after found a way to shift into another dimension.if they can go up,why cannot can they come down to live here? Mabe there is civilizations living under the earth,we do!If  you just read,things,you will find we,along with other countries have undergroun bases and tunnel systems for certain groups of people.

well the best thing we can do is learn to leave this world,and preparing a permanent position in the higher heavens,so we will not have to come back.realistically,have anyone of us think that we will go into heaven forever with all we have done?Many of the things we accept as good,are what groups of people tells us is good,and may not help.Find someone who can teach you on the outer,and take you on adventures in the higher worlds so that you will eventually prepared to leave for the higher worlds permanently.

listen to someone who can back it up,giving you experiences,if you are willing to put forth the effort.

Monday, May 28, 2012


did you watch MERMAIDS THE BODY FOUND? i thought it was the premise that the mermaids originated from the apes on shore.

what if they are an off shoot fromfrom the dolphins>it is already known that dolphins have brains comparable to ours in size.maybe they are more advanced than we are,and we just do not know the movie it said that the recordings that the doctors made,it sounded that they were communicating with the dolphins.

i know ,and you too,that most people won't be convinced that they exist.everone  makes their own beliefs and truths.there are powers that be who tries to keep us in the dark about things in this world or does not matter that it is trivial or something  as big as roswell.they want to limit our imagination,and keep it in channels they can control. You find it in our educational find it in the political systems,our religions.why do you find some churches have miraculous healings,and others don.t?

we will always be kept in the dark.many people will feel safe just where they are,even if it does not work for them,if you want to find things out search,use your gift of the books about your use of the imagination,by neville goddard.

As to the mermaids i think they exist,probably more advanced species,that no one will discover.i think theybranched off from the dol[huns,and are pussibly on their way back to being dolphins.who knows for sure?any thing we imagination exists somewhere in our universe.think of the star trek communicators,and now we have cell the media,they will always try to control our imagination,manipulating our thoughts and feelings,making us see as they want us to see things.

so what is the real truth?Research for yourself,do not let people make your mind up for you.ask yourself,what are they really saying,or want me to think?