Saturday, February 16, 2013


Aren't you getting tired of hearing about ufos,and how they have helped mankind?Well,look what they have done with the mayas!They practiced human sacrifice!In a well at chichen-itza,there is a well with thousands of bodies.this had happened with cultures all around this world,and different historic periods.

they tried controlling human population..Everywhere you find ancient ruins,you find desolation,that exists there now.The aliens do not mean us any good.They have interfered with our religions around the world,influencing our beliefs in the space gods,whom never really helped us,just control you.Today we are influenced by the drug companies and media.Nearly every 5 minutes,there is a commercial for some drug,or come to our hospital for cancer reatments.

IF YOU WATCH,OR LISTEN TO THESE COMMERCIALS,YOU OPEN YOURSELF TO THESE AILMENTS.look around you,everything you see around you,is a creation of your thoughts,feelings and fear.Take control of your life and find out what is going around you,by singing the N-U-U-U- sessions
for tEN or fifteen minutes.DUANE,THE NUMAN says you will get results,guaranteed!